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Artificial Intelligence has become a buzzword that we heard everywhere, learn the magic and technology that made professional headshots accessible to all.

professional headshots

Luthfi Ferdi S.

Feb 10, 2024

The Magic Behind AI-Generated Professional Headshots 

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has surged in popularity, it exists within your phone, Netflix recommendation, and even professional headshots generators. This technology enables these systems to become intelligent and perform complex tasks, such as making decisions, solving problems, or identifying patterns.

To achieve the desired level of intelligence, an AI requires two components, an algorithm and training. The algorithm acts as a set of instructions for the AI on how to learn and operate on its own. While training means the AI would learn from its mistakes and repeatedly refine its process until it achieves desirable results.

How AI Created Professional Headshots

Let's say you want to create an AI that is capable of generating professional headshots, then you need to decide what algorithm you wanna use and prepare training data (a lot of it). There are a few algorithms you can choose for this case, such as machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks.

Machine learning means the algorithms would tell the AI to learn from data and predict trends without human assistance. Whilst deep learning, one of the techniques of machine learning, is modeled on how our brain processes information and makes decisions. Lastly, neural networks are a subset of deep learning that mimics human neurons, where it can perform calculations and create outputs on large data sets.

professional headshots

So now the AI can learn from raw data without supervision, rather than programmed with specific instructions. The next step is to prepare the AI to train on a large dataset of professional headshots images. This training process consists of several stages, including input, processing, outcomes, adjustments, and assessments.

To start the process, you need to collect data from various professional headshots sources and then input it into the algorithm. After that, we could instruct the AI to process this information. During this phase, the AI analyzes the data by identifying patterns it has been trained to recognize, allowing it to find similar patterns in the data that it is processing.

professional headshots

Once the processing step is complete, the AI now can utilize patterns to predict the generated professional headshots. In this step, the AI determines whether the specific data can meet certain criteria. Regardless of the results, the AI would learn and the whole process is repeated under varying conditions.

The final step for an AI to finish its assigned task is assessment, where it will compile insights gained from the data set to make future predictions to take into account previous outcomes and adjustments. Feedback from these adjustments is then integrated back into the algorithm, enhancing its future performance and decision-making capabilities.

Don't Worry, You're Still in Control

At this point, the AI seems like it can do anything because it can learn just like a human. But the reality is, that human input still plays an important role in generating professional headshots. Because an AI is no wizard, it can't know exactly what you want without being instructed.

Despite being trained by a large amount of data set and the capabilities to learn from its mistakes, AI isn't perfect. It's not strange to see the image generated by AI grow another finger, wacky hairstyle, and questionable background image.

So it's your job to instruct the AI what you want for backgrounds, poses, and styles for your professional headshots. We have designed to make this process simple to navigate, so you can focus on creating your desired professional headshots that will impress!

So, Is It The Future?

Well yes, but it doesn't mean it'll eliminate a professional photographer. As we discussed above, AI-generated images sometimes are just weird. So the technology should be treated as a complementary tool that enhances the field, rather than eliminating the need for human skill and creativity.

professional headshots

Luthfi Ferdi S.

SEO Copywriter

Likes to play games, reading, and writing

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