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Explore how AI technology offers affordable and high-quality picture to maximize your LinkedIn Profile impact.
Luthfi Ferdi S.
Mar 6, 2024
Do I Need A Good Picture for My LinkedIn Profile?
Whether it’s the first time you set foot on LinkedIn or already have experience in it, one thing remains the same, you need a good profile picture. With millions of job seekers looking for the next opportunity, of course, only a candidate that stands out will be picked up.
To become that person and land your dream job, you need a way to represent yourselves and impress the recruiter. One such way is to use a professional headshots as your profile picture to give a glimpse of your personality and professionalism.
A good headshots is like a logo for ourselves, which tells a unique story and could evoke an emotional response from others. Because just like in real life, people in LindkedIn also judge you by first impression. That's why you need to get that first impressions right, because a good LinkedIn profile picture speaks volumes.
But having a professional headshots doesn't mean that you need to wear a suit and tie. You could look casual but still have that professional touch, which depends on the industry you’re in. If you feel confused or lost when choosing what outfit to use, worry not, here's an article on how to dress for your headshots session.
The Psychology Behind It
The reason why your headshots could have such an impact on other people’s depiction of you is because we were designed like that. Our psychology works by identifying something or someone that looks and dresses nicely as good as their style.
Dubbed the “attractiveness halo”, people with more attractive physical appearance are judged in a more positive light. Their outward appearance creates an assumption in people’s heads that they’re “better” than others.
For example, they are perceived to be more trustworthy, honest, or intelligent. So surely you could take this to your advantage by creating an outstanding headshots that presents an image that aligns with your career aspirations.
Show Your Best
So with the fact that visual appearance plays a significant role in shaping people's perceptions, having proper professional headshots as your LinkedIn profile picture could make your career journey easier.
According to LinkedIn, a good profile photo increases the credibility of your profile and helps you stand out from the crowd. Jobseekers with a profile photo on LinkedIn can get up to 21 times more profile views compared to someone who doesn't have a profile picture.
Because having good professional headshots as your LinkedIn profile picture isn't just about looking good, but also telling a story. For example, if you work in creative industries, you might want your headshots to convey individuality and creativity by using casual yet stylish attire.
Another point you need to take note of is that your profile picture should be recent and look like you normally look at work. So recruiters who are interested in you and have only seen you virtually recognize you easily.
How do I Get a Good Professional Picture?
Well, traditionally you go to photographers, book a session, and take your headshots. But for some people, it's not exactly feasible to do that. Because the cost of a professional photographer session could very well cost you hundreds of dollars.
The other alternatives would be taking the picture yourself or with the help of friends. Because with the phone technology we have right today, you could have an arguably good result from its camera system.
The problem is a tool is just as good as the users, meaning that if you or your friend have a very minimal knowledge of photography the results of your self-photo might not be optimal. Not to mention that not every phone is built the same, some have a better camera sensor than others.
Is There Any Affordable Alternative?
Lucky for you, with the development of AI technology, it's now possible to use AI to create professional headshots of yourself without needing to take a photographics course. One such service is, where all you need is your phone, good lighting, and 15-25 pictures of yourself from different angles.
After inputting your picture, just let the AI do its thing and generate your image. Now you can choose styles, backgrounds, and poses that reflect your personality and branding. AI headshots also offer a unique blend of precision and perfection, ensuring your best features are highlighted, and any imperfections can be addressed.
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